Qinni Art NFT: Can NFT art be stolen?


Qinni Art NFT: Can NFT art be stolen?

Lately, within the NFT community, you can often hear people discussing the Qinni Art NFT that has gained much attention. Many interested people within the NFT and the crypto community started to get informed about what exactly it was about because whenever someone mentions “Qinni Art NFT,” a strange atmosphere is felt in the air, and countless unanswered questions.

First of all, who is Qinni? Why is it at the center of attention of the whole community, and what is so special about its nonfungible tokens? What does stealing have to do with all of this?

In order to explain to you in detail what it is about, let’s first see who the artist Qinni is, and then we will give you other crucial information about this unusual case.

The story of the talented artist Qinni

Qinni was a talented digital artist named Qing Han, who passed away at the beginning of 2022 after a battle with cancer. She was best known for her vivid illustrations of famous anime characters and the famous creation of the “Crying in a Puddle” meme. More than 2.5 million devoted Instagram followers were simply in love with her creative work.

According to her official Instagram profile, Qinni considered herself a “Professional doodler” and a “four times heart surgery survivor.” But what is the full story of QinniArt NFT and herself before the sad ending? Let’s find out.

Explosive rising to fame

Qinni Art NFT

Qinni’s rise to fame was, to say the least, explosive. In April 2018, Qini digital artist only had around 20,000 followers on Twitter. In just one and a half years, by the beginning of 2020, Qinni’s illustrations which focused on “Cardcaptor Sakura,” Japanese anime series, have managed to bring her more than 200,000 followers on Twitter.

Regarding her official Instagram account, the number of followers climbed to an incredible 2.5 million. Her devoted followers and fans admired her exquisite coloring work and punctilious vivid illustrations of famous anime characters that the world today knows as the Qinni Art NFT.

Devastating news after surgery

At the end of 2019, namely on December 28, 2019, Qing shared with her followers devastating news that her cancer had reached stage four and that she had a year and a half left. Qing also included an original and sorrowful digital artwork of a girl being consumed by a terrifying inky shadow with that sad message.

She died in February 2020. Between the end of 2019 and the time of her death, her devoted fans’ adoration of Qinni Art NFT turned to heartbreak. Art that Qinni began to create near the end of her life centered upon her battle against her cancer relapse and chronic illness.

“Flowering Wounds” were her one artwork where Qinni titled that she liked to pretend that her purple bruises were just small galaxies, where these small flowers sprout out the bandages on the girl’s (her) arms.

Qinni Art NFT as a memory of her life

qinni art nft
Source: knowyourmeme.com

After losing the battle with cancer, Ze Han, her brother, and the artist memorialized her Instagram page while still running her Twitter and Facebook pages. Her inspiring work of art now represents a memory of her life and battle against the cruel illness.

Even though her social media accounts remain popular, their follower counts have slowly declined by approximately 600 per month. According to her brother Ze, the main subject of her art and legacy was still very difficult. Ze is still trying to manage the sad feelings of him and her fans about the sad story, her tragic life, and the QinniArt NFT in general.

“It’s extremely crucial to keep Qinni’s pages active to maintain open communication channels since it means a lot to her fans’ ‘stated Qinni’s brother. Also, Ze said it means a lot to him that people worldwide are still enjoying the beautiful Qinni Art NFT. His current plans are focused on making and selling art books with Qing’s work shortly.

Can Qinni NFT art be stolen?

However, one of the main questions regarding Qinni Art NFT nowadays is, “Can it be stolen?”. Things have, undoubtedly, taken a dark turn. Many fraudsters, riding on a wave of memes and cash, became interested in Qinni’s artworks.

Barely one year after Qinni’s death in April 2021, her brother’s classmate let Ze know that someone was probably stealing Qinni’s identity to sell her NFTs. After being told about the qinni art theft, Ze tweeted on April 18 that, regarding what side of the debate we are about the theft, that’s just a morally “shitty thing to do.”

Thus, he also wrote that thieves should stop profiting off her dead sister, which was a devastating message. However, in reality, Ze stated that he’s felt more apathetic, thinking that it’s because he felt powerless in that unwanted situation.

The importance of NFTs and why to possess them

NFTs and investors

It’s crucial to understand that NFTs are important because they are tokens tied to digital assets and show ownership of the particular individual asset. People purchase these special nonfungible tokens because they can resell and earn money.

Besides that, NFTs have been sold for digital artworks, web source code, the Bad Luck Brian meme, and the first tweet. The most popular nonfungible token was sold for an incredible amount of $69 million.

So, the main question is how scammers manage to steal NFTs, such as the Qinni Art NFT.

How can someone steal NFTs nowadays?

A Twinci app in the market is considered the “first NFTs social marketplace.” On Twinci, there’s an account that listed “Bird Cage,” one of Qing’s (Qinni’s) famous artworks, which she posted just one month before her tragic death.

This artwork depicts a young woman’s ribs trapping her weak heart, which is shown as a fragile and small bird. During the time when she posted this sad NFT, Qinni was placed on extra beta blockers in the cardiac intensive care unit.

Anyone is able to collect tokens on the Twinci app.

Anyone is able to collect tokens on Twinci if they own a pre-existing crypto wallet such as imToken or Metamask connected to the app. A profile is automatically set up when the wallet is connected to Twinci.

Thus, users can create and collect nonfungible tokens. For example, an imToken wallet doesn’t require an email address to set up. It only requires that the user type a name and a password on their wallet.

Someone can create an NFT by uploading artwork or an image and name their price in their preferred cryptocurrency. Once done, Twinci mints a token, and the collectible is set on the marketplace.

What did Qinni’s brother decide to do?


After finding out about the fraud, Ze, Qinni’s brother, said that, even though it may sound weird, he wasn’t so affected by the fraud because he knew he couldn’t do anything realistic and it wasn’t worth his energy or time.

However, Ze continued by saying that the most he could do were to let everyone know about the fraud of the stolen Qinni Art NFT and email Twinci. When the Twinci app received an email from Ze, Qinni’s brother, it removed the fake NFT. Her Twitter fanbase began alarming the entire world about NFT frauds.

The outraged tweet about the fraud listing gained more than 3,500 retweets and 11,000 likes. Qinni’s furious fans began reporting the listing, commenting on Twinci’s official tweets with numerous complaints.

Investigating claims on fake Qinni’s NFTs by Twinci

According to the Twinci app, they started investigating claims such as those. So, if owners of reported accounts cannot prove that they are the original creators of the artwork, the Twinci app then deletes their NFTs, and the deleted account gets a lifetime ban from the marketplace.

That is exactly what happened with the “Qing’s Bird Cage” listing. However, like other emerging technologies, this case was just the beginning of other listings. There were at least five other listings with Qing’s art.

Some of these reported Qinni’s NFTs were being advertised for approximately 500 TWN, known as the official crypto-coin by Twinci. This amount of TWNs converts to around 400 pounds at the time of writing.

Besides that, there was an instance where one artist minted one nonfungible token attached to obvious plagiarism of Qinni’s digital artwork that she had posted with her cancer diagnosis.

The never-ending battle against NFT thefts

The case of the stolen Qinni Art NFT is one of the most morally repulsive examples of a greater problem in the NFT emerging space. Just think about fraudsters who are stealing Qing’s artwork and her not being able to witness the theft of it or resist it. Besides this case, other NFT artists are battling against the theft of their NFTs.

A concept Artist, RJ Palmer, who worked on the “Detective Pikachu” movie, was another victim of the theft. The service that allows individuals to tokenize Tweets was misused for stealing Pokemon renderings.

Also, Derek Laufman, a comic artist, had his artwork stolen on Rarible, stating that 100% wasn’t him. According to Lafuman, nowadays, it’s obviously extremely easy to steal NFTs and scam people on Rarible.

The post Qinni Art NFT: Can NFT art be stolen? appeared first on FinanceBrokerage.

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