How To Know If You Work In A Toxic Workplace

How To Know If You Work In A Toxic Workplace

There are some people that have gotten so used to being stressed at work that it seems totally normal. They may not even realize that they are working in a toxic environment that is actually detrimental to their mental health. This type of workplace is one that is so focused on growth that they are absolutely maniacal about it and treat people like cattle.

Some people, on the other hand, realize that the job they started doesn’t resemble the one they have now as things have gotten hostile. These are the people that are starting to realize that the workplace itself is hostile and is the problem and not just isolated problems. Although ​​HKM attorneys can help prove a hostile workplace, it is important for employees to understand when they are working in one so they can bring a case to a lawyer.

In this article, we will go over several of the signs that you are working in a hostile workplace and action should be taken.


Anger and aggression

There are times when everybody loses their cool at work on occasion. This is normal as people aren’t robots and emotions can get the best of us. However, when there is a culture of people being aggressive verbally and even non verbally and this is the expected way things are done then this goes into hostile territory.

When the people working above you have a habit of yelling to get their way or are always angry that things are not being done the way they expect then this is not something that should be tolerated.


Public shaming

People make mistakes. It’s only natural. Sometimes these mistakes can cause tension at work either because they cause financial losses or delay projects. If you are ever at fault for having made a mistake or are not delivering up to your promise or pay scale then it is ok for it to be called out by a superior.

However, this should be done privately and not with an audience. It should also be dealt with in a professional manner in which the mistake is addressed and how you are expected to remedy the situation.

In a hostile workplace, this would be a public shaming event where your mistake is called out in front of your colleagues. This is not only counterproductive, but it is also wrong.


Encouraging unhealthy competition

There is a friendly competition in which departments try to outdo each other which not only boosts morale but also productivity. Then there is the competition that is encouraged by the management that is unhealthy and ends up destroying morale and productivity.

Sometimes competition is promoted that is unnecessary and ends up causing division and hard feelings among staff. This is the type of competition that leads to bullying and borders on harassment. This is the type that causes a toxic work environment.

The post How To Know If You Work In A Toxic Workplace appeared first on FinanceBrokerage.

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